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Piazzale S.Agostino

The Piazza of Sant’Agostino owes its name to the church dedicated to the saint of the same name, which overlooks the square. Historical sources report that this church was already present in the area during the XIV century and was later deconsecrated in 1797 with the Napoleonic invasion.

Useful Informations


Opening hours

'Monday: 00:00 – 23:59'

'Tuesday :00:00 – 23:59'

'Wednesday: 00:00 – 23:59'

'Thursday: 00:00 – 23:59'

'Friday: 00:00 – 23:59'

'Saturday: 00:00 – 23:59'

'Sunday: 00:00 – 23:59'

Events you will find in this place

S.Agostino in summer-image
S.Agostino in summer

This place is involved in the following Itineraries

Doors and spaces-image
Doors and spaces